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Marc Moor is an enigma; he is mild mannered and quietly spoken, and only five foot six tall, yet he has dedicated his life to the understanding of the warrior spirit. Most of his working life has been devoted to the awareness of violence, and the potential of violence. Marc Moor has a unique and most valuable perspective on the practicality of martial arts, and their service to the principles and strategies of self protection and self defence. He has continually studied Japanese martial arts since his early childhood and has worked as doorman in some of the toughest pubs and clubs in the UK, as well as holding the position of personal bodyguard to one of the world's wealthiest men. All this adds up to a unique and individual understanding of the martial arts, something that is appreciated across the world when and wherever he teaches.

Marc Moor was awarded the rank of Dai Shihan directly from Dr Masaaki Hatsumi Sōke, at the Bujinkan Hombu Dojo, Noda-Shi, Japan. For those Shihan who have attained the five additional levels, the Japanese character Dai is used, and in this context it translates as "in place of." Those titled Dai Shihan are instructors who teach in place of Hatsumi Sōke, for reasons such as incapacity due to injuries or illnesses.


Senior Instructor – Dai Shihan Marc Moor


Senior Instructor – Shidoshi Sinéad Byrne

At eleven years of age Sinéad insisted that she wanted to learn martial arts. She was a precocious learner and living in Dublin was the ideal place for such for such a talented youngster. Kenpo Karate, also known as American Karate was Sinéad’s awaking and within the years of her dedication she became World Kenpo Karate Champion, eight times. 


Such was Sinéad’s passion for improvement and learning she sought out new barriers to push aside and fresh challenges to master. It was through this mindset that in 2005 Sinéad also began her Bujinkan in Dublin, alongside her Kenpo studies. 


Donegal, 2008 Sinéad attended her first large Bujinkan event, it was instructed by Shihan Marc Moor, and other members of Budo Warrior Schools. Sinéad was immediately hooked by the friendliness and the hight standards of ability, so much so that she spent much of the following years traveling to and fro to the U.K. to train. Eventually Sinéad moved permanently to Gloucester in 2012.  


Sinéad’s is a frequent traveler to Japan and attained the rank of Shidoshi at the Hombu Dojo, Noda-shi in 2016.

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Assistant Instructor – Shidoshi Ho Ben Pells

A pre-beard Ben started his journey into Ninjutsu in 2010 whilst at the University of Birmingham. He was hooked from his first lesson, this "lazy man's martial art" that didn't require speed and strength to succeed or progress. After 2 years of training under Karle Thomas and Charlie Smith, he returned to Gloucester with the recommendation that there was a class in Gloucester taught by a man called Marc Moor.

After a 3 year break, a youtube video of Marc whimsically running between trees was all it took with Ben reaching out to join in October 2015. Attending his first Budo on the Beach in 2016, and having the great honour of taking his Shodan at BOTB7 in 2019, awarded his Nidan in 2021, and recently the prestigious position of Shidoshi-Ho in 2022.


Throughout his time training there are many other things he has accrued whilst training; Understanding deeper than the written technique, a confidence in movement and timing, experience in teaching and training, his beard, the name Steve.

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I have trained with Budo Warrior Schools and under the tutelage of Marc Marc since 2007. Throughout this time, I have trained in many dojos across different martial arts also; Marc Moor’s teachings are second to none. His knowledge, experience and applications is unique and incomparable. 

It’s not just physical aspects to combat you learn but principles you can apply to everyday life also. This is not just another Martial Arts organisation - within Budo Warrior Schools, you will receive all the support and attention you need, to really make the best out of you as martial artist and more.

Randa Richards


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